Tag Archives: WebDriver

Web automation: a small data-driven test with Selenium

Just to observe, how Selenium cmdlets can be working ‘in parallel’:

ipmo [path]\SePSX.dll

$searchData = @("cheese", "juice", "wine");


[int]$counter = 0;
$drivers = Start-SeChrome -Count 3;
$drivers | Enter-SeURL "http://google.com" | %{ $null = $_ | Get-SeWebElement -Name q | Set-SeWebElementKeys $searchData[$counter] | Submit-SeWebElement; $counter++; }

$drivers | Read-SeWEbDriverUrl;

Web automation: even more PowerShell for getting a WebElement

Yesterday, we worked on a translation of the sample from SeleniumHQ to PowerShell. One of the great PowerShell advantages is the ability to use .NET objects in code similarly to what C# programmers do. I’m speaking about the following piece of code:

$ff01 = Start-SeFirefox;
$searchBox = ($ff01 | Enter-SeURL -URL "http://www.google.com/" | Get-SeWebElement -Name "q");
sleep -Seconds 3; # to observe the result
$ff01 | Stop-SeFirefox;

We have been using two variables here, $ff01 for a browser instance (the driver) and $searchBox for the prominent Google search text box. Using methods .SendKeys(text), .Submit() and properties like .Title is what is considered by purists as the ‘CSharp style’. The purists (they are also known for the abbreviation MVP. I really don’t know how they managed to shorten the word ‘purist’ to ‘MVP’ :)) state that the only right way of using PowerShell is end-to-end pipelining. Okay, today’s our efforts are put in this direction:

$ff01 = Start-SeFirefox;
$searchBox = ($ff01 | `
 Enter-SeURL -URL "http://www.google.com/" | `
 Get-SeWebElement -Name "q" | `
 Set-SeWebElementKeys -Text "Cheese" | `

Write-Host "Text:";
$searchBox | Read-SeWebElementText
Write-Host "Enabled:";
$searchBox | Read-SeWebElementEnabled
Write-Host "Displayed:";
$searchBox | Read-SeWebElementDisplayed
Write-Host "Selected:";
$searchBox | Read-SeWebElementSelected
Write-Host "TagName:";
$searchBox | Read-SeWebElementTagName
Write-Host "Size:";
$searchBox | Read-SeWebElementSize
Write-Host "Location:";
$searchBox | Read-SeWebElementLocation

sleep -Seconds 3; # to observe the result
$ff01 | Stop-SeFirefox;

This time, all the code working with an WebElement is put through the pipeline.

Web automation: starting a browser and getting an element

Testing of web sites always required a lot of small tests. UI Automation is not good there due to the following flaws:

  • it’s slow. The more windows, tabs or elements are given, the slower UI Automation is
  • it can’t get a range of elements. TheĀ UIA COM wrapper can more, but for now it is not good at patterns
  • it is not cross-browser. Whereas Internet Explorer and Firefox are seen as a set of UI Automation controls, WebKit browsers are often sets of tabs in a window.

These problems usually led testers to using such instruments as Selenium or watir.

Nonetheless, things are not so bad for PowerShell testers as it seems to! There is no strict need to write all the test code in CSharp-like style, on the contrary, continue using pipelines:

$ff01 = Start-SeFirefox;
$searchBox = ($ff01 | Enter-SeURL -URL "http://www.google.com/" | Get-SeWebElement -Name "q");
sleep -Seconds 3; # to observe the result
$ff01 | Stop-SeFirefox;

This is nothing else than the sample the Selenium project provides:

using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;

// Requires reference to WebDriver.Support.dll
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;

class GoogleSuggest
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Create a new instance of the Firefox driver.

        // Notice that the remainder of the code relies on the interface,
        // not the implementation.

        // Further note that other drivers (InternetExplorerDriver,
        // ChromeDriver, etc.) will require further configuration
        // before this example will work. See the wiki pages for the
        // individual drivers at http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki
        // for further information.
        IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

        //Notice navigation is slightly different than the Java version
        //This is because 'get' is a keyword in C#

        // Find the text input element by its name
        IWebElement query = driver.FindElement(By.Name("q"));

        // Enter something to search for

        // Now submit the form. WebDriver will find the form for us from the element

        // Google's search is rendered dynamically with JavaScript.
        // Wait for the page to load, timeout after 10 seconds
        WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
        wait.Until((d) => { return d.Title.ToLower().StartsWith("cheese"); });

        // Should see: "Cheese - Google Search"
        System.Console.WriteLine("Page title is: " + driver.Title);

        //Close the browser

Not surprisingly, the PowerShell code is shorter, prettier and looks comprehensible. Need to port to another browser? It’s easy (enough). The code below does the same in three browsers and, moreover, in two search engines:

$ff01 = Start-SeFirefox;
$searchBox = ($ff01 | Enter-SeURL -URL "http://www.google.com/" | Get-SeWebElement -Name "q");
sleep -Seconds 3; # to observe the result
$ff01 | Stop-SeFirefox;

$ch01 = Start-SeChrome;
$searchBox = ($ch01 | Enter-SeURL -URL "http://www.google.com/" | Get-SeWebElement -Name "q");
sleep -Seconds 3; # to observe the result
$ch01 | Stop-SeChrome;

$ie01 = Start-SeInternetExplorer;
$searchBox = ($ie01 | Enter-SeURL -URL "http://www.google.com/" | Get-SeWebElement -Name "q");
sleep -Seconds 3; # to observe the result
$ie01 | Stop-SeInternetExplorer;

$ff01 = Start-SeFirefox;
$searchBox = ($ff01 | Enter-SeURL -URL "http://www.yandex.ru/" | Get-SeWebElement -Id "text");
sleep -Seconds 3; # to observe the result
$ff01 | Stop-SeFirefox;

Test web sites with pleasure!